Exams and Checkups

Regular checkups include an exam, cleaning, polishing, prevention and treatment recommendations, as well as x-rays and fluoride application when indicated.

Our dental exams include:

  • Assessment of general health and growth.
  • A visual examination to assess the developing occlusion, caries, the jaw and soft tissues.
  • Any necessary x-rays to assess growth and development, and caries.
  • A discussion of oral hygiene, including simple tips to help your child keep his or her teeth clean.
  • A discussion of diet.
  • A discussion of habits that may affect oral disease and growth.
  • Time to address any concerns you or your child may have.
  • The most common interval of examination is six months; however, some children may require examination and preventive services at more or less frequent intervals, based upon historic, clinical, and radiographic findings.

    Our professional cleanings include use of disclosing solution, a pink-colored vegetable dye which stains the white plaque on the teeth pink, allowing your child to see the places missed when brushing.

    The reason children continue to have cavities is not because the bacteria are difficult to get off the teeth. It is because most children don't know where their toothbrush has been missing. We spend time with your child, teaching proper oral hygiene techniques and removing plaque, stain and calculus.